24 lakh women of Rajasthan got free seed minikit, faces lit up

Jaipur : A new initiative has been taken by the Government of Rajasthan to ensure participation of women in the agriculture sector. Under this initiative, the Agriculture Department distributed free beach minikits for moong, moth, jowar, maize and millet crops to women farmers. For this, 24 lakh women were selected by the Agriculture Department. This work has been done to make women empowered and self-reliant in the field of agriculture. The government believes that this will not only ensure women’s participation but will also contribute to women’s contribution to the state’s economy.

24 lakh women will get benefits

Agriculture Commissioner Chinmayi Gopal said that the state government had announced this in the budget for the year 2024-25. The implementation of which has started by the department. The department has distributed free seed minikits to a total of 24 lakh 58 thousand women farmers in Kharif-2024. Under this, 4 lakh seeds of 4 kg of moong, one lakh of 4 kg of moth, 89 thousand of 4 kg of jowar, 10 lakh 79 thousand of 5 kg of maize, 7 lakh 90 thousand seed mini kits of 1.5 kg of millet will be distributed to women farmers. Was distributed free of cost.

Distribution made after ensuring eligibility

Commissioner Chinmayi Gopal informed that distribution of minikit has been given priority to SC, ST, small and marginal farmers, self-help groups under Rajivika (Rajasthan Grameen Aajeevika Vikas Parishad), disabled people and women farmers living below the poverty line. A provision has been made to give one packet of minikit to every woman.

How to get free minikit

It has been told that the minikit is distributed through the concerned agriculture supervisor. He said that minikits have been distributed to the beneficiary women farmers through Jan Aadhaar card.

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