2502 page charge sheet presented against Mayor Munesh Gurjar, read this news

Jaipur : Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Thursday presented a chargesheet against Jaipur Heritage Municipal Corporation Mayor Munesh Gurjar, who is surrounded by corruption charges. The ACB chargesheet presented in the court mentions Heritage Municipal Corporation Mayor Munesh Gurjar, her husband Sushil Gurjar, contract worker broker Narayan Singh and Anil Dubey. There are many important things in the 2502 page chargesheet. ACB has made 52 witnesses in the case, and has also shown 85 documentary evidence. ACB has stated in its chargesheet that the leases which were pending for years were issued as soon as the money reached the Mayor’s husband Sushil Gurjar.

The file kept moving for one and a half years, the lease was received only after giving bribe

The ACB has given an example of this through Rajiv Sharma who took a lease in Civil Lines. The ACB said in the charge sheet that Rajiv Sharma had applied for a lease in Civil Lines on 2 December 2022. His file kept moving for one and a half years but the lease was not received. On July 17, an amount of Rs 50,000 reached Sushil Gurjar to get the lease for Rajiv Sharma. On the same day, the file reached the Mayor’s office and on July 19, Rajiv got the lease.

Satish’s lease file kept circulating for a year

Regarding Satish Chandra Bhargava, a resident of Bani Park, it was written in the charge sheet that Satish wanted to take the lease of his plot located at Tagore Path. He had applied on 17 August 2022 but the file kept moving for about 1 year.

The broker demanded 2 lakhs from complainant Sudhanshu

On July 24, when the complainant in the case Sudhanshu talked to broker Anil Dubey about Satish’s lease, he wrote 2 on WhatsApp and sent it. That is, he asked for two lakhs. On July 25, the mayor’s husband took one lakh rupees. On July 27, the file reached the mayor’s office and on August 1, Satish Bhargava got the lease. However, Anil Dubey was not happy to get only one lakh rupees from Sudhanshu. He was expecting two lakhs. Because of this, he even argued with Sudhanshu.

A small part of the conversation between complainant Sudhanshu and broker Anil

Sudhanshu – This one lakh rupees…
Anil – It was discussed for one and a half lakh rupees.

Sudhanshu – no.
Anil- Don’t talk nonsense. We talked on the phone ten times.

Sudhanshu – Same thing happened.
Anil – I told you to increase it by half more.

Sudhanshu – From where can I increase the half amount, Guruji?
Anil – Okay, this time give me just one, next time we will talk about it thoroughly.

The lease documents of Dilip, Ashutosh and Shravan were also found
After this, Sudhanshu and the mayor’s husband Sushil Gurjar demanded Rs 2 lakh in exchange for the lease of Dilip Singh, Ashutosh Bhatnagar and Shravan Kumar. Out of the six files recovered from the mayor’s house during the ACB trap, three were these files for which bribe was taken. And these were kept at the mayor’s residence for further action.

The mayor used a sim taken in someone else’s name
It is also mentioned in the charge sheet that none of the 3 SIM cards in the 2 phones recovered from the mayor was in her name. Two SIM cards were recovered from her husband Sushil. Both of them were not in his name. This means that both Mayor Munesh Gurjar and her husband Sushil Gurjar used SIM cards taken in each other’s names.

How did ACB accept Munesh’s involvement
ACB has stated in the charge sheet that six files have been recovered from Mayor Munesh Gurjar’s residence. These include files for which her husband took bribe from complainant Sudhanshu in exchange for issuing lease. These files were not signed. This shows that Munesh Gurjar is involved in this case. ACB believes that as per the instructions received from her husband, she kept many files pending and signed many files on his instructions.

Mayor did not reach the court, next hearing on October 5
It is noteworthy that on Thursday, after receiving a notice from the Department of Autonomous Governance in the case of corruption in lieu of lease, a hearing was held in the ACB court. However, due to back pain, Mayor Munesh could not appear in the court. The next hearing in the case has been scheduled for October 5. Mayor Munesh’s lawyer Deepak Chauhan said that the allegations made are baseless.

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