Ajmer : Ajmer’s Kotwali police station has arrested three alleged officials of Sanjeevani Credit Co-operative Society under production warrant from Central Jail, Jodhpur. More than a hundred investors from Ajmer city and rural areas have filed cases against the company’s agents and officials in various police stations. According to the police, the accused Naresh Soni son of Hemraj Soni, Kishan Singh son of Jeet Mal Singh and Shaitan Singh son of Uttam Singh, resident of Barmer Sardarpur Beriya Ka Bas, were arrested. The three accused identify themselves as regional officers of Sanjeevani Credit Co-operative Society. The accused are being interrogated about other people involved in their network.
Police station in-charge Virendra Singh Shekhawat said that in this case, Kiran Rathod, a resident of Madanganj Kishangarh, had presented Istgasa in the court. On the court order, the case was registered on 10 May 2022. Complainant Kiran Rathod has stated in the FIR that the accused had inspired them to invest by calling Sanjeevani Credit Co-operative Society Limited as a financial institution which had received government recognition from banks. He was 674 lured by giving them higher interest rates and profits on deposits than others. On the request of the accused, Rs 18 lakh 75 thousand were deposited by 16 December 2019. After this the accused absconded and the company office was also locked.
The company was started in 2008 from Barmer, 3 accused are from there.
In the year 2008, Sanjeevani Credit Cooperative Society was registered under the Rajasthan Society Act. The company was started from Barmer. All three arrested accused are residents of Barmer. The company defrauded about 1.5 lakh investors of the state to the tune of Rs 950 crore. 237 branches of this society were opened. Of these, there were 211 branches in Rajasthan and 26 in Gujarat. Within no time, many branches were opened and loans were distributed to fake companies. About 1,46,991 investors from Rajasthan were defrauded of more than Rs 950 crore. Loans worth Rs 1100 crore were shown in the account books of the society. The number of bogus loans is around 55 thousand.
The total loan is shown to be around Rs 1100 crore. SOG investigation led to many arrests during the Congress rule. Thousands of accounts were proved to be fake during investigation. The mastermind of this scam and the first managing director of the society, Vikram Singh, has been arrested. In this, those who invested were given the inducement of good returns along with gifts like foreign travel, gold and silver coins etc. While investing, they were made agents and were given commission for those who invested under them. In this way, a chain of Sanjeevani Credit Cooperative Society was formed and people kept getting trapped in it.