A big cheating case has come to light in Rajasthan, Guruji is also involved in it, uproar ensues

Jodhpur : How is it possible in Rajasthan that there is a government recruitment exam and there is no cheating in it? Now forget about government recruitment exams, cheating has started happening in school exams as well and that too in the entire school at once and in front of the teacher. The teacher himself was caught helping in cheating. This school is in Phalodi district near Jodhpur district of Rajasthan. Class 10th open board exams were going on there and papers of two different subjects were being conducted in the same school. Cheating was going on in the school, but the bigger thing was that those who were cheating were not original students, that is, dummy students were made to sit in their place to take the exam.

This incident is from Dechu tehsil of Phalodi district

Actually this incident happened in Panji Ka Bera Government School in Kolu Rathod village of Dechu tehsil of Phalodi district. The education department team had received a complaint on the government assistance portal that cheating was taking place in the said school and that too on a mass scale. When the team reached there on Tuesday afternoon, it was found that the school was closed. The school was locked from outside. However, some faint sounds were coming from inside.

Sir is writing the answers on the board and the students are writing in their notebooks

A member of the team scaled a seven feet wall and went inside to find that classes were going on inside. When he went inside and made a video, he found out that the teacher himself was solving the paper on the board and the students were typing. The team member went outside and showed this scene to everyone and later broke the lock and entered inside. As soon as they entered inside, there was a stampede. Many students jumped over the wall and ran away. The police also arrived after some time.

Science and Mathematics exams were going on in Phalodi school

When enquired, it was found that Physics and Maths exams were going on. Most of the real students appearing for the exam were replaced by dummy students. On the other hand, the school principal, exam in-charge and 11 teachers were making them solve the paper on the board. Investigation has been started to find out who took how much money for this whole work. By late night, cases were registered against 11 teachers. After interrogating the dummy students, investigation has been started at the homes of the real students.

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