A crazy young man entered the school and did this horrific act with the teacher, sensation spread

Barmer : A strange incident happened in the government school of Dharna village of the newly formed Balotra district on Friday afternoon, July 19. At 12:30 pm, when the students were studying in the school classrooms, a crazy young man entered with a petrol bottle and a knife in his hand. When the school staff and students suddenly saw the crazy man entering the school premises, there was a stir among the school staff and students. The students started running here and there while the head master and other teachers ran to control the crazy young man. During this, the young man attacked the head master and the teacher with a knife. Both were seriously injured in the attack. After first aid at Balotra District Hospital, both the injured had to be referred to Jodhpur.

Attempt to pour petrol on female teacher

In this attack, Principal Hardayal Saini and teacher Suresh Rajpurohit were injured and have been referred to Jodhpur. Saini said that a young man forcibly entered the school at around 12:15 in the afternoon. After roaming around, he directly entered a classroom where a female teacher Vimala Devi was teaching the children. As soon as he entered the room, he closed one door. When the female teacher and students hid in a corner, the crazy young man closed the other door of the room as well. Then he moved towards the female teacher and students and was about to throw petrol on them. Meanwhile, the principal and other teachers came running. They tried to catch him by breaking the door of the room by kicking it hard. When they tried to control him, he started attacking with a knife.

With the help of villagers, the crazy young man was brought under control

When the crazy young man entered the school, there was a ruckus in the school. Children of all classes started shouting loudly out of fear. Seeing the ruckus in the school, the villagers also rushed to the school. The villagers saw that the crazy young man was fighting with the head master and other teachers. After the villagers arrived, the young man was controlled with great difficulty. After controlling the young man with the help of people, he was tied to a tree in the school. Then the police was informed and called and he was handed over to the police.

The attacker is mentally deranged

The youth who entered the school and attacked is Baburam Bhil. He is about 40 years old. According to the police, the mental condition of the attacker Baburam is not good. He keeps doing different things every day. He has also attacked many people. Two months ago he climbed a mobile tower. He was brought down after a lot of effort. According to the police, he is also taking medicines from a psychiatrist.

Villagers allege – Police does not take action

On the other hand, the villagers say that everyone is troubled by the actions of the attacker Baburam. He attacks everyone without any reason every day. After the incident, a crowd of people gathered in the school. People said that the accused Baburam repeatedly commits such incidents. Strict action should be taken against him but the police does not do so. The villagers also staged a dharna by locking the main gate of the school and demanded strict action against the accused.

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