A soldier posted on the Indo-Pak border took this horrifying step, see the whole matter in Vide

Barmer : Something happened on the Indo-Pak border in Rajasthan that shocked everyone. A BSF jawan posted on the border shot himself. The incident took place at BOP Bhada post in Bakhasar police station area of ​​Barmer district. Here the jawan posted on the watch tower committed suicide. According to Barmer SP Jassa Ram Bose, Banarasi Lal posted at Bakhasar BOP Bhada post committed suicide by shooting himself with his service rifle.

On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and took the body in their custody and kept it in the mortuary of the hospital. However, the reason behind this could not be ascertained. Further action will be taken on the report of BSF.
As soon as the information about this entire incident was received, BSF officers reached the spot and after inspecting the spot informed the police. The police has taken the body of the deceased soldier in its custody and kept it in the mortuary of Barmer Medical College Hospital. However, the reason for the suicide has not been revealed.

He was on duty at the watch tower and shot himself

Let us tell you that Banarasi Lal, a resident of Jammu and Kashmir, was a constable in the 83rd battalion of BSF. This BSF jawan posted at BOP Bhada post was on duty on the watch tower. On Sunday morning around 8 o’clock, the jawan committed suicide by shooting himself between the neck and throat. When other BSF jawans and officers reached the spot after hearing the gunshot, the body of jawan Banarasi Lal was lying below the tower.

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