A young man was swept away by the strong current of a waterfall in Rajasthan, tourists saved his life like this

Bhilwara : With the blessings of monsoon, the famous Menal Waterfall located on Bhilwara-Kota Road has started attracting people. This waterfall has been flowing at full speed for the last one week. The administration is constantly warning people to stop going into the flowing waterfall and about the possibility of an accident. But despite this, people are not refraining from getting into the fast flowing waterfall. By doing this, they are not only risking their own lives, but are also causing trouble to other people present there. The video of one such incident is currently going viral on social media.

Two accidents in two days at Menal waterfall

Two accidents happened here in two days. On Saturday late evening, a Nandi got swept away with the waterfall falling from a height of 150 feet. While on Sunday evening, a young man who had come for a picnic got swept away in the waterfall while bathing, who was saved by the people with the help of a shirt rope. During this time, the police was also present, who were seen removing people from the strong flow of water with the help of sticks. Police said that the video of the young man being swept away in the waterfall is going viral. The young man was doing stunts in the waterfall, during this time the strong flow of water swept him away. However, he was saved in time, otherwise a big accident would have happened.

No orders to go down stairs

It is noteworthy that on August 23, Begu Subdivision Officer Manasvi Naresh had held a meeting and instructed to make security arrangements for picnickers in Menal, Joganiya Mata. He had deployed police and forest department employees in Menal and instructed the officials to not let tourists go near the waterfall and down the stairs. After that, the administration got white lining done on the accident prone area in Anand-Khanan.

Investigation started on the basis of video

Begu Tehsildar Dharmendra Swami said about the entire incident that this incident is serious. The administration is fully alert considering the accident prone area. As soon as the rainy season started, we have done white lining on Menal waterfall and have also put up information boards of restricted area to prevent people from going there. Also, by putting up poles, tourists have been appealed not to go towards the water from there. Despite that, this incident has happened. An investigation is being conducted regarding this. The entire video has been sent to Begu police. The way the matter of the youth’s stunt is coming to light, we are also getting it investigated.

Tourists come from far away places

People from nearby areas as well as from far off places are coming here to see Menal waterfall. There is a huge crowd of tourists at Menal waterfall site on government holidays and especially on Sundays. The Mandakini temple located near it is also historic, which is about 1300 years old. In the Mandakini temple, the idol of Shiva Parivar Vinayak is enshrined in the sanctum sanctorum.

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