Action will be taken against 2394 big vehicles in Rajasthan, know the whole matter

Jaipur : A case of fake vehicle registration has come to light in Rajasthan. ATS has taken major action against these fake vehicles. ATS has taken action against the gang involved in fake vehicle registration. Under this, 21 vehicles have been seized by ATS. It is being told that action is being taken against 2394 big vehicles. These are such vehicles whose registration has been done in a fake manner. A batch of fake vehicles is being brought to Rajasthan. It is being told that vehicles are brought to Rajasthan after getting them registered in a fake manner and then they are again sold in Rajasthan after transferring the registration.

Vehicles come to Rajasthan from North East states

It is being told that a gang is doing business of fake vehicles. These people get the vehicles registered in the North East states and then bring them to Rajasthan where the registration is transferred to Rajasthan. These vehicles are actually stolen and financed.

3159 vehicles migrated in Rajasthan in last 10 years

Heavy vehicles with fake registration were brought from North East. Which were bought for just 15 to 20 lakh rupees. This entire work is done through brokers. It is being told that 3159 vehicles have been migrated from North East to Rajasthan in the last 10 years. The record of 2394 of these is not in the company’s documents. In such a situation, action will now be taken against these 2394 vehicles. In this case, SOG has written a letter to the Transport Commissioner. After which preparations are being made for action.

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