After heavy rains in Rajasthan, this time there will be record breaking cold, know when it will enter

Rajasthan : There was hide and seek between the sun and clouds in Rajasthan on Friday. It was raining here till a day before, but now the weather has started clearing. There is no forecast of heavy rain anywhere in the state (Rajasthan) in the next one week. But according to the Meteorological Department (IMD), the process of rain will start once again from September 23. At the same time, people have already been informed about winter that this time there is a possibility of severe cold in the state.

Weather condition in last 24 hours

During the last 24 hours, the weather remained clear in most parts of Rajasthan. Jaipur, Bharatpur, Ajmer, Kota, Jodhpur along with Bikaner and some parts of Udaipur division remained cloudy throughout the day, but it did not rain. Even though the rain has stopped, the temperature in the state is still below normal. Yesterday the maximum temperature of the day was recorded at 30 degree Celsius (4 degrees below normal) in Sikar. At the same time, Ajmer recorded 31.7 (2.6 degrees below normal), Jaipur 31.2 (3.5 degrees below normal), Bikaner 34.8 (3 degrees below normal), Churu 32.8 (4 degrees below normal), Pilani 32.2 (3.7 degrees below normal) and Jodhpur recorded the maximum temperature of the day at 34.2 (2 degrees below normal) degree Celsius.

Weather forecast for the coming days

Conditions are becoming favorable for the withdrawal of southwest monsoon from western Rajasthan and parts of Kutch around September 23. The monsoon trough line is now passing through Bikaner. The area of ​​cyclonic winds in south-eastern Rajasthan and adjoining areas is now over north-eastern Rajasthan. Due to this, there is a possibility of reduction in rain activities in the state and light rain activities with thunderstorms are likely to be recorded at some places in eastern Rajasthan. Along with this, from September 21, the weather is likely to remain mainly dry in most parts of western Rajasthan and light rain is expected only at sporadic places. Rain activities are expected to resume in Rajasthan from 27 to 3 October.

There will be a harsh winter

According to the Meteorological Department, Rajasthan has made many records not only of heat but also of rain this season. This year there has been severe heat and heavy rain here. In such a situation, the Meteorological Department believes that this time the cold will also be severe in this state. The entry of cold in this state is also expected from the end of October. Not only this, the duration of winter season will also increase this year.

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