Ajmer : The incidents of chain snatching in Ajmer Christian Ganj and Clock Tower police station area have not been revealed yet. On Sunday evening, a bike-riding gang pounced on a woman’s neck and broke a gold locket near Foysagar police post in Ganj police station area. Went. The accused fled at high speed in the darkness. At the same time, they made a cut in the bag of a girl who had come for shopping in Naya Bazaar and stole her purse. There is an atmosphere of panic among the common people due to the increasing incidents of chain snatching and highwaymen in the city. The helplessness of the police is such that the search for the chain snatcher gang is still dependent on CCTV.
Purse stolen by cutting woman’s bag
Mamta, a resident of Chandvardai Nagar, reached Naya Bazaar with her father for shopping on Sunday afternoon. While shopping at a bag shop in Bangle Bazaar, she searched for her purse in the bag to pay the money but could not find it. Then the shopkeeper told him that the bag had a cut at the bottom. There was a cut in the bag with a sharp weapon. Mamta told that while shopping in the market, pickpockets made a cut in the bag and stole her purse. There was cash and a silver chain worth about two and a half thousand rupees in the purse. However, in this case the victim returned home without complaining to the police.
When settlements were searched, clues were found: There are many such settlements in the inner and outer areas of the city during the wedding season. Where outsiders have come and settled. Apart from this, women chain snatcher gang of Kota and Bharatpur is active in Kasti colony of the city. Who goes out in the market and crowd after snatching purse and chain from the neck.
Bikers broke the locket from the woman’s neck and took it away
Priyanka Goyal, resident of Foysagar Road Shastri Colony, left home on foot to go to the grocery store at around 7.30 pm on Sunday evening. In front of Jograj Nagar, at a distance of 150 meters from Foysagar police post, two youths who came from behind on a bike suddenly pounced on his neck. The bike rider snatched away the gold mangalsutra locket from Priyanka’s neck. The victim raised an alarm and tried to catch the bike rider but the accused fled at high speed. Frightened by the incident, Priyanka returned home. Then he reached Foysagar police post with his family at 9.30 pm and gave the report. CO Dargah Laxmanram Chaudhary also reached the spot. The police started searching for the accused based on the description of the victim.
Search for robbers in CCTV: The police is busy scanning the footage of the CCTV cameras of the commercial establishments installed around the police post on Foysagar Road. The police blocked the city and started searching for the accused of robbers.