Ajmer : Panther, zebra, dog, wolf, rabbit, raccoon and other conductor-equipment of Ajmer power lines will be replaced. This will provide consumers with better and quality electricity. Power lines and equipment have more animal names than scientific ones. The main reason for this is to classify and identify them on the basis of their capacity and size. This system is easy to remember even for electricians.
Conductors named after animals: Animal names are part of an internationally standardized system. This makes them easier to understand for engineers and technocrats across the world. The shapes of electricity conductors and their physical properties are compared with those of animals. Like squirrels and rabbits are light conductors. Zebras, panthers, bears are heavy conductors.
Delivering electricity from plant to homes: The conductors used in power lines transmit electricity from the plant to homes. These are devices that allow electricity to flow efficiently through lines. Electrical conductors play an important role in lines. These are made of aluminium, copper, tungsten and other metals. The design of the conductor is selected according to the power requirement and geographical area.
Understand the relationship with animals like this
Squirrel-small-range use
Rabbit-Medium – for light loads
Dog-Heavy – For general distribution lines
Wolf-For Heavy-High Voltage Lines
ZEBRA – for more heavy-duty high voltage lines
Moose – very heavy – long range and high capacity
The names of electrical conductors and lines conform to international standards. These are easy to understand. These are changed for uninterrupted and quality power supply.