Jaipur : Jaipur JDA canceled the allotment of two flats in the case of Bangladeshi citizens living illegally in Bhankrota. The accused had taken two flats in Jaisinghpura from JDA by submitting fake documents. On October 20, the police exposed the gang and arrested two Bangladeshi citizens and their associate, out of which two Bangladeshi citizens and one associate were arrested in the case of making fake documents and the remaining 11 people were sent to Alwar Detention Center, which included disabled people, Children and women were included. After the Center corresponded with the Bangladesh government, 11 people sent to Alwar Detention Center were handed over to Bangladesh on 24 November.
DCP West Amit Kumar said that on the basis of input received by Dinesh and Raj Mahendra of Technical Cell, while exposing the gang living illegally in Jaisinghpura, on October 20, 13 people were arrested, including gang leader Sohag Khan and his sister. Were included. During the search of the house, many documents including Indian passport, Aadhar card, labor card, driving license and PAN card and birth certificate, school certificate, national ID card issued from Bangladesh were found.
At the same time, during the action, the police arrested 6 people and sent them to jail and sent 6 minor children to CWC. After that, the police registered a case regarding fake documents and arrested Sohag and his associate Usman. After the action of Bhankrota police, the central agencies reached the spot and also made inquiries. After that the police wrote a letter to the Centre. The police also wrote a letter to JDA regarding the flat taken with fake documents. After investigation, JDA canceled the allotment of two flats. DCP Amit Kumar said that the team of Inspector Manish Gupta and Bhajanlal have played an important role in the investigation of this case.