Another shameful incident in Rajasthan, a foreign woman was lured and raped

Ajmer : An American woman has accused a lawyer living in Ajmer district of Rajasthan of raping her in three different hotels. In this regard, a zero FIR was registered in Bundi with the help of NGO, which was immediately transferred to Ajmer. Now the Civil Lines police station of Ajmer is investigating this case. Investigating officer CO Nemichand has recorded the statement of the victim woman in the court on Friday, in which she has shared many important facts.

He introduced his wife and child as cousin sister

Investigating officer Nemichand said that the accused lawyer had kept the foreign woman in two hotels located at Ajmer’s Fawara Chauraha and a homestay in front of Savitri College, where she was raped. The police has verified all the crime scenes by accompanying the victim woman and FSL investigation has also been done from the spot. In her statement to the police, the victim said that the accused lawyer Manav Singh Rathore had called her from America to Ajmer on the pretext of marriage. As soon as he reached here, he had physical relations with the woman, and then took her to a temple and got married to her in a fake marriage. But he did not take her to his house. When the foreign woman kept insisting, the lawyer took her to his house, where he introduced her to his wife and 11-year-old son by calling her a ‘cousin sister’.

‘Influenced by Indian culture and Sanatana Dharma’

The lawyer had not told the foreign woman about his first marriage. Whenever he used to talk to the foreign woman, he used to tell her about Indian culture and Sanatan Dharma. He used to give information about traditional marriage, respect and festivals here. He used to send photos and videos of these festivals to her through WhatsApp. She got impressed by all this and came to Ajmer from America to marry the lawyer. However, the friendship made through social media proved to be a one-sided love. As soon as the woman came to know that the accused lawyer was already married and he had married her only for show, she decided to complain to the police.

‘Left the job of a nurse, sold the house and came to India’

The foreign woman lodged a zero FIR in Bundi against Ajmer lawyer Manav Singh Rathore. In the FIR, the foreign woman said, ‘I came to Delhi from America on July 3 and then reached Jaipur from there. Manav received me in Jaipur and made me stay in a hotel there. He raped me there. I left my job as a nurse in America for him and even sold my house. But he married me in a sham marriage in front of his friends in a temple in Nasirabad. Later I came to know that the accused lawyer is already married. He has an 11-year-old son and his wife is pregnant.’

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