Army school teacher who was absconding for 3 years in Kota girl student molestation case arrested

Kota : Kota: Nayapura police station has arrested an Army school teacher on charges of molesting a school girl. The accused Santosh Kumar (46) is a resident of Meerut, UP, currently residing at Rangpur Road No. 2, Dadwada, Bhimganj Mandi police station. The teacher is accused of physically touching and molesting a school girl during sports. The accused was absconding for the last 3 years. The court had declared him a fugitive and a standing warrant had been issued.

Nayapura police station SHO Laxmi Chand said that on 4 August 2017, a woman had lodged a complaint in the police station. In the complaint, it was told that the school teacher Santosh Kumar physically touches the girl students during sports and also molests them. He also uses abusive language. The girl students had complained about this verbally and in writing. All these girls are below 15 years of age. On the complaint of the woman, a case was registered against the accused teacher under the POCSO Act and other sections. The court declared the accused a fugitive on 31 July 2021. The accused was absconding for three years. The cunning standing warrant has been arrested.

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