On Tuesday, attachment warrant was again issued for Bharatpur : Kumher Panchayat Samiti building and BDO’s car. On Monday, the court had ordered to re-issue their attachment warrants. The responsibility of whose maintenance has been given to Kumher Nazir. It is noteworthy that this action is being taken to recover the salary and allowances of a teacher.
Senior Civil Judge No. 1 Anshuman Singh issued a warrant for the attachment of the Kumher Panchayat Samiti building and the car. According to advocate Bharat Lal Sharma, the warrants have been sent to Kumher Court for compliance. Earlier in the hearing, their warrant was also issued on 20th November. The responsibility of maintaining which was given to Cell Amin Bharatpur. Due to lack of jurisdiction, action could not be taken in Kumher. In the previous warrant, Zilla Parishad building, CEO and District Collector’s car were also there along with them. From this the Zilla Parishad building was attached.
The CEO’s vehicle was not found. The number of the District Collector’s car was written wrongly. Sel Amin returned the warrant to the court. This time the court did not issue warrants for attachment of their cars with the instruction that payment be made within seven days.