Karauli : Under the aegis of Shri Dharma Pracharak Ramlila Mandal Kashi Banaras for Hindu culture and cow protection, Ram Kevat Samvad was staged on Tuesday night in Ramlila going on in Gaondi village. Tableau of Lord Ram Lakshman and Mother Bhagwati Sita Mata was decorated in Ramlila. Even in the harsh winter amidst cold winds, devotees are watching the staging of Ramlila with devotion till 12 o’clock in the night. Crowd is gathering in Ramlila. Troupe directors Lal Tripathi and Anand Kishore Sharma told that Ramlila was started by lighting the lamp in front of the tableau of Lord Ram, Lakshman and Sita Mata. After this, puja and aarti was performed. The devotees became emotional after seeing the staging of exile of Lord Ram, Lakshman and Sita. During this time, Lord Shri Ram first reaches his friend Nishad Raj. Even after meeting Nishad Raj, he moves ahead.
Sumanth comes back. On the other hand, in Ayodhya, King Dasharatha sacrifices his life due to the separation of his sons. In the Ram Kewat dialogue, Lord Ram crosses the Ganges with Lakshman and Sita in the boat of a boatman. During this, when Lord Ram asked the boatman for fare to cross the boat, he asked Lord Ram to give blessings in return for the fare. On this Lord Shri Ram gifted him with Bhava Nidhi. During this, chants of Lord Shri Ram echoed in Ramlila. At the conclusion of Ramlila, worship along with Aarti was done.