Banswara Aravali College B.Ed. Open session camp for trainees

Banswara : Aravali P.G. B.Ed in college An open session camp was organized for the trainees. Five groups of trainees were formed – Dronacharya Ghatotkacha, Abhimanyu, Bhishma and Karna and each group was prepared for its presentation by studying different festivals. The camp was inaugurated by the director of the organization, Abhishek Jain.

The inaugural speech was given by the organization’s secretary, Dr. Ekta Jain. Making innovation in the Mehndi competition, Alta Mehndi competition was organized in which Pushpendra and Nityam in the student category and Raveena and Tanisha in the girl category got first and second position respectively. Representatives of various groups made mottos and base sentences and discussed their knowledge in poetic form and discussed it in detail. Apart from this, students presented as radio jockeys.

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