Sawai Madhopur : Chauth Ka Barwada Police has arrested an accused from Raipura while carrying illegal liquor. Police have also seized a 5 liter liquor jar from the accused. Police said that action is being taken by registering a case against the accused under Excise Act and other sections. The accused will be presented in Chauth Ka Barwada Court.
ASI Jagdish Prasad of Chauth Ka Barwada police station said that on the information of the informer, a raid was conducted near Raipura village. During this time, the accused Vinod Kevat (19), son of Fotu Kevat, resident of Raipura, was carrying illegal liquor. Who was arrested with liquor from the spot. The arrested accused was taken to Chauth’s Barwada police station and a case has been registered under Excise Act and other sections. Police said that for the last few days, cases of illegal liquor making were coming to light in the area. Continuous action is being taken regarding this.