Bhajanlal gave so many gifts to Jodhpur city of Rajasthan, know what is special

Jodhpur : During the discussion on the Finance and Appropriation Bill of the revised budget 2024-25 of the state, important announcements were also made for the development of Jodhpur. A new satellite hospital will be opened in Sangaria. This will provide medical facilities near home to the villagers of Sangaria and surrounding areas. The government has given funds for repair work in the division’s largest Mathuradas Mathur Hospital. This will also increase facilities in MDM Hospital. Melba (Dhawa) and Manai (Keru) will be upgraded from sub-health centers to primary health centers. Apart from this, during the discussion, it was also announced to open a new government college in Jhanwar.

New pollution control office will open

New regional offices of Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board will be opened in Jaipur and Jodhpur. In view of the growing industrial sector in Jodhpur, the need for more pollution control was felt for a long time. Apart from this, a new post of Adjunct Officer will be created in both these offices.

The panorama is also

The state government also announced several panoramas during the discussion on the budget. Rao Chandrasen’s panorama will also be developed in Jodhpur. It was announced to open Assistant Engineer (Electricity) office in village Chaukha (Luni).

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