Bharatpur Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma’s mother ill, admitted to hospital

Bharatpur : CM Bhajan Lal Sharma’s mother Gomti Devi’s health suddenly deteriorated on Sunday. He was brought to RBM Hospital in Bharatpur around 10 am. He was having difficulty breathing. After this he was immediately admitted to the ICU, from where he was referred to Jaipur at around 6.30 pm.

Senior Physician Dr. Vivek Bhardwaj said- CM Bhajan Lal Sharma’s mother Gomti Devi’s health suddenly deteriorated. He was immediately brought to RBM Hospital by ambulance. He was having trouble breathing. She already has hypertension and is also a thyroid patient.

As a precaution, he was admitted to the ICU, where the team of doctors kept him under observation.

He was referred to Jaipur for better treatment. Dr. Manish Gupta and Dr. Satveer have also gone with him, who will get him shifted to Jaipur.

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