Big news has come from Rajasthan, youth are getting intoxicated by sleeping pills of government hospitals

Jaipur : the tendency of drug addiction is increasing among the youth of the state. Under the pretext of illness, the youth are using certain medicines for intoxication. For this, the free medicine scheme in government hospitals has been made a medium. Many such cases have come to light in government hospitals of Jhunjhunu district, in which doctors later came to know that they were being deceived and made to prescribe some such medicines which are used for intoxication.

So don’t complain to the police

A few months ago, a medical officer at the Pilani community health center had made a written complaint to the police about the young men coming to buy drugs. The accused young men got to know about this. They started following the doctor who made the complaint. Scared by this, the doctor withdrew his complaint. After this incident, doctors are avoiding making complaints to the police.

Taking intoxicating pills from different hospitals

Drug addicted youth keep changing hospitals and doctors for drugs. They first get the medicine prescribed from a doctor they know, and later get the medicine prescribed from another doctor on the basis of the same prescription. In case of doubt, they go to another hospital or a hospital of another district and get the medicine prescribed. Pilani’s Block Medical Officer Dr Rajiv Dulad says that this type of problem is being faced in nearby government hospitals. To gain the confidence of the doctor, youth addicted to drugs sometimes come with a friend and sometimes with a woman to get the medicine prescribed. Many times they even start quarrelling. The police have to be called.

Such cases came to light during investigation

Case-1: Three young men came to Pilani Community Health Center on a bike and went to different doctors with prescriptions to get medicines. When the doctor refused, they started quarreling. Other nursing staff threw the three out of the hospital. Actually, they wanted to take sleeping pills and intoxicating pills without having any illness.

Case-2: An 18-year-old youth went to a psychiatrist at BDK Hospital in Jhunjhunu. He told the doctor that he was suffering from insomnia. The doctor prescribed him some medicine. As soon as the family came to know about it, they warned the doctor that he had no problem with insomnia, he was addicted to drugs.

Expert opinion on this matter

Psychology lecturer Samitra Jangid said that the consequences of using drugs as a drug are fatal. Youth is getting destroyed in the grip of drugs. Youth should be given proper guidance by giving them information related to the ill effects of drugs. In such a situation, it is important to communicate openly with the youth so that they can share their problems and feelings. It is important to connect drug addicts with positive activities like sports, music and art. At the same time, family support is also very important. Family members should give time to the drug addict and encourage him from time to time.

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