Bikaner division will benefit from this facility of PBM hospital, patients will get relief

Bikaner : Bikaner division’s largest PBM hospital is climbing new heights of success day and night. In this episode, the hospital will soon provide organ transplant facilities to patients. For this, doctors said that Non Transplant Organ Retrieval Center i.e. NTORC has been established in Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner. In which important cases related to organ transplant will be seen. Six committees have been formed in PBM Hospital for this new wing. Which will look into those cases in which the patient needs to be declared brain dead and organ transplant is required. Through these doctors, efforts are currently being made to select such patients who have suffered serious head injuries and their hopes of survival are over. This hospital is run under SP Medical College.

Patients suffering from kidney, liver, lung or heart failure will get benefit

Dr. Mohammad Yunus Khilji, Professor of PBM Hospital and member of NTORC, said that organ transplantation is a new branch of medical science. Experiments are being conducted in many developed countries of the world regarding this. The development of this new branch will benefit those patients whose kidneys, liver, lungs or heart have been damaged. But it is very difficult to obtain these organs. Because no living person will donate his organs. Therefore, the hospital administration selects those people who are brain dead and they are being given breath with the help of a ventilator. This is going to happen in PBM Hospital of Bikaner now. With the permission of the relatives of such patients, their healthy organs will be removed and safely sent to such institutions where the patients present need them.

Green corridor and air ambulance will be used

After this facility is available in PBM Hospital, organ transplantation will be done using green corridor and air ambulance, so that the organs of brain dead patients can reach the needy patients on time. It is worth mentioning that all the facilities of modern medicine from modular operation theater to all kinds of modern medical facilities are available in PBM Hospital. Therefore, organ transplantation will also be possible here. For this, a team of doctors will come from Jaipur and the staff here will help them.

Who built the PBM hospital?

When Maharaja Ganga Singh Ji established this hospital in the memory of his son Prince Vijay Singh, his dream was that Bikaner should make its special identity in the field of medicine along with other fields. PBM has fulfilled his dream and is now going to write another golden chapter in it.

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