Bloody game in the capital, minor boy brutally murdered a woman, know the whole case

Jaipur : Police has made a big disclosure in the case of murder of a businessman’s wife in Jaipur. Police said that the accused is a minor boy of just 17 years. He committed the crime with the intention of robbery. Since the woman’s husband works in the property business, he thought that there would be a lot of money in the house. The minor killed the woman by stabbing her 42 times with a knife. He also watched many episodes of Crime Patrol to escape from the police.

The tenant’s nephew turned out to be the murderer

According to the police, the minor who committed the murder is none other than the nephew of Shrikant Sharma, who was living on rent in the woman’s house. He first slit the woman’s throat and then stabbed her 42 times on her body. The police caught the accused within a few hours of the case, but he was not able to answer the police properly.

The landlady was alone in the house

According to the police, Srikant lived with his wife and mother Kokila at Manju Sharma’s house. On the day of the incident, the landlady Manju was alone at home. The accused minor came there and went to his grandmother. Then he came down and murdered Manju Sharma. The accused also tried to break the cupboard but could not succeed, so he looted Manju’s mobile and some other things.

Nani was also pushed

After committing the murder, the minor went back to his grandmother. When the grandmother saw him, he was covered in blood. When the grandmother asked the reason, he told her that a snake had come downstairs. He had killed it and returned. After this, the minor pushed his grandmother down the stairs. Then he went to his room, burnt his clothes and hid the mobile and knife. According to the police, the minor accused stabbed the woman more than 42 times.

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