Brahmin community will organize Maha Kumbh before Dausa Assembly By-election on September 1

Dausa : Brahmin community has announced the organization of Brahmin Mahakumbh in Dausa on September 1 before the assembly by-election. The entire Brahmin community will unite to eradicate the evils spread in the society. Brahmin leaders said that there is always a need for vigilance in the society to eliminate negative influence. Keeping this in mind, Brahmin Mahakumbh is being organized, so that the evils growing in the society can be stopped before they take a huge form. The evils coming in the society cannot be stopped by one person, for this continuous efforts are required at the social level. Evils can be overcome only through timely decisions, collective suggestions, collective efforts.

There are many such evils and bad practices which keep on increasing gradually, including foeticide, increasing ill-effects of intoxicants, drugs, social respect for widowed women, ban on child marriage, emphasis on girl education, dowry taking is a social curse, death feast, warning against wasteful criminal tendencies on turbans, providing employment to youth alert and cautious about cyber crime. It is very important to resolve them from time to time. Keeping this in mind, Brahmin Maha Kumbh will be organized, in which Brahmin society will participate. During this, it will be decided how to deal with these evils at what level. Also, how to provide employment to unemployed youth so that they can become self-reliant. But, in political circles, this Maha Kumbh is being linked to the Dausa assembly by-election. It is being considered as a show of strength of Brahmin society before the by-election.

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