Bundi : Bundi Another tiger will be brought from Abheda Biological Park to Ramgarh Vishdhari Tiger Reserve area on Wednesday. Apart from its administrative approval, other preparations have been completed. The tiger will be tranquilized and brought back. According to the information, after the death of tigress T-114 from Ranbhaur Tiger Project, Sawai Madhopur in February 2023, her two cubs (one male and one female) were transferred to Abheda Biological Park, Kota. A committee was formed under the chairmanship of Deputy Conservator of Forest (Wildlife), Kota to shift both the cubs to the protected areas of Ramgarh Vishdhari Tiger Reserve and Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve.
As per the recommendation of the committee, it was decided to release both the cubs in enclosures located in Ramgarh Vishdhari Tiger Reserve and Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve for rewilding. Permission has been received by the Central Government and Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Chief Wildlife Warden to transfer a male cub to Ramgarh Mahal enclosure located in Ramgarh Vishdhari Tiger Reserve, which is under the supervision of Chief Conservator of Forests and Area Director, Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve. As per the protocol of NTCA, a male cub will be shifted to the enclosure on Wednesday by the committee formed under the chairmanship of Kota. Once the rewilding process is completed, the tiger will be released in the protected area of the tiger reserve.
A fence will be built near the closure
Sanjeev Sharma, Deputy Forest Conservator of Ramgarh Vishdhari Tiger Reserve area, said that a special closure has been made for the male cub weighing about 150 kg. He will also be fitted with caller ID before being released into closure. Since it is living in Abheda Biological Park till now, arrangements have been made to adapt it to the forest. An enclosure has been built near the closure, in which animals will be released from time to time, so that the male cub can learn to hunt. For this, daily monitoring will also be done.