Chandipura virus has started spreading in Rajasthan too, 2 children died, alert issued

Jaipur : Chandipura virus cases are increasing rapidly across the country. This virus is slowly spreading its legs in Rajasthan as well. Recently, about 44 patients have died from this disease across India. At the same time, 133 new cases have been registered. In early June, its first case was reported in a 15-year-old child in Gujarat. Gradually these figures started increasing, on July 20, 78 cases of AES have been reported, out of which 75 cases are from 21 districts of Gujarat, after this 6 cases have been reported in Rajasthan, out of which 2 deaths are believed to be due to Chandipura virus.

After Gujarat, Rajasthan is the most affected

After Gujarat, Rajasthan is the most affected by this disease. 133 cases have been reported in Gujarat. Out of these, 48 children have died. Out of which 37 deaths have been caused by this virus. Whereas in Rajasthan, 2 out of 6 cases have died due to this virus. After the increasing number of deaths, people have now started taking medical advice about this virus.

Chandipura virus is found in Aedes mosquito

Due to Chandipura virus being dangerous, the chances of its infection spreading have increased manifold. Doctors’ opinion was sought on this. In which, Senior Resident of Udaipur’s Pacific Medical College, Dr. Arpit Oberoi has given information about the spread of this virus, its symptoms and prevention. Dr. Oberoi said that Chandipura virus is very dangerous. It is mostly found in children between 12 and 14 years of age. In this, children first show symptoms like fever, headache, body ache, diarrhea, vomiting and flu. It also causes acute encephalitis. Which is a condition causing swelling in the brain. He said that Chandipura virus is a type of RNA virus. It spreads through female phlebotomine fly. Aedes, a species of mosquito, is responsible for this.


To avoid this, make children wear full-sleeved clothes. Keep their body completely covered. If the patient shows symptoms like high fever, contact the doctor immediately. To avoid this, pay proper attention to cleanliness.

How did Chandipura get its name

Let us tell you that its first case was reported from Chandipura in Maharashtra in 1966, after which it was named Chandipura virus. After this, its cases started coming from Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat from 2004 to 2006 and in 2019.

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