Chittorgarh : ChittorgarhThe digital world is also becoming fake now. Cyber thugs have also copied the QR code of UPI payment. It seems to be beating the original also. Fraudsters are cheating a large number of people through fake UPI ID based app. With the increasing use of digital payments, the threat of fake payment apps is also increasing rapidly. Through fake UPI ID based app, fraudsters are making a large number of people their victims. Fake apps of Google Pay, Phone Pay, Paytm and BHIM UPI etc. look like real ones. These have been designed to deceive small traders, shopkeepers and less educated people.
This is the method of cheating: Fraudsters scan QR codes from fake UPI apps. After making payment they show fake screen shots. In this fake app, sound notification also comes after payment. This makes it appear real. With this, small traders and shopkeepers understand that the payment has been made. In this way they easily become victims of fraud.
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First of all, you should verify the payment yourself. Check whether the payment has arrived through your UPI app or bank statement. Keep notifications of every transaction on. If you have any doubt regarding any payment or you have become a victim of any cyber fraud then call 1930 immediately. Apart from this, you can also lodge a complaint on the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal of the Government of India (