Chittorgarh : Chittorgarh Demon Jupiter Venus, the planet responsible for work, art and luxury, has left Sagittarius and entered its friendly zodiac Capricorn on Monday. Will stay here till 28th December. The entry of Venus in Capricorn will bring happiness, prosperity, convenience, opulence and luxury to many people. The coming time will be filled with happiness and prosperity. With the change in the zodiac sign of the planet Venus and the pure vision of Devguru Jupiter on Venus, there will be chances of respect for scholars, poets, writers and artists. Pandit Arvind Bhatt told that on Monday, Venus entered Capricorn at 11.57 am. Venus will bring good luck to businessmen associated with artists, cosmetics, artistic works, writing, dance, acting, singing, painters, cloth and jewelery sellers.
Transit of Venus in the second, third, fourth, seventh and twelfth house from the native’s zodiac sign gives auspicious results. There are yoga factors for Capricorn and Aquarius signs and the transit of Venus through the 1st, 6th and 9th houses is unfavorable. For the next 26 days, Venus will be auspicious for the people of Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces in its factors related to worldly happiness etc. It will be generally fruitful for the people of the remaining zodiac signs.