Churu : Churu Kudi Bhagatasani police station arrested the account manager of the hotel, accused of running a scam of Rs 18.35 lakh in a hotel located at Jhalamand Bypass. Due to his addiction of betting in online cricket league, the accused first stole five hotel checks and then transferred Rs 18.35 lakh to the bank accounts of three friends, from where he took the cash and lost it by betting. ASI Narpat Singh said that in this case, the account manager of Hotel Fair Field by Marriott, Balveer (27), son of Hemaram Saran, resident of Gopalpura in Sujangarh of Churu district, has been arrested. He has admitted to committing the crime. Accused Balveer was presented in the court on Monday, from where orders were given to send him on remand for four days. He will be presented in court again on December 6.
50 thousand salary, used to bet on online cricket league
Shocking information has come to light from the accused during interrogation. He was an account manager in the hotel. He was getting a monthly salary of fifty thousand rupees. He was addicted to betting. He used to bet on online cricket leagues. For this he needed money. That’s why he had secretly stolen five blank checks from the hotel recently. Then between May 22, 2023 and October 23, 2024, he had paid a total of Rs 18.35 lakh in checks of different amounts. Then he wrote the names of two friends of the village and a son of the landlord in Delhi and got them deposited in their bank account. The accused had withdrawn the cash as soon as the amount was transferred. Which he bet in online betting at different times. Which he also lost.