Sadulpur’s Sidhmukh police station has arrested an accused for creating an atmosphere of fear among the common people by posting photos along with weapons on Churu News Desk and social media. The accused told the police that he had not committed any crime but had posted the pistol-like toy on social media. However, the actual situation can be revealed only after investigation. Regarding the matter, police station officer Ramkaran Sidhu said that on the information of making objectionable comments on social media and posting with weapons, the accused Sandeep Kumar, aged 37 years, resident of Dhani Badi police station Sidhmukh, has been arrested. He said that the accused is being investigated and interrogated in connection with posting the weapon related post on social media.
During interrogation, the youth told that he is a native of village Dhani Badi and there is a rubber pistol like toy in the photo which he had posted on the social media platform. He does not have any weapon. However, during interrogation, the accused became angry, on which the accused was explained and instructed to remain calm. But the accused did not agree, on which the police arrested the accused. And a case has been registered and investigation has been started. The police station officer said that the matter is being investigated and the real situation will be revealed only after investigation.