Churu : Churu MP Rahul Kaswan demanded a fresh survey in the Lok Sabha under Rule 377 for laying new railway lines on various routes. MP Kaswan said in the House that Churu parliamentary constituency is very large in area. Also, a large number of citizens of entire Shekhawati and Hanumangarh, Bikaner including Churu parliamentary constituency keep traveling to different parts of the country for business and work.
vital route
He said, Railways is a very accessible medium of transportation. There has been a demand from the citizens here for a long time to connect the deprived areas with the railway network. For this, surveys have been conducted several times by the Railways. The MP told that from Sadulpur to Sridungargarh via Taranagar, Sardarshahar; Sardarshahr to Hanumangarh; Nokha to Sikar via Bidasar and Farrukhnagar to Sadulpur via Pilani are such routes which are very important from economic, strategic and military point of view, but are deprived of rail service even after so many years of independence. He said, in the past too, survey has been conducted by the Railways on these routes, but every time these routes are not approved due to negative ROR. The MP said that even after so many years of independence, such important routes not being connected to the rail network is a matter of great concern. The government should now change its policies and keep aside the negative ROR concept and expand the rail network to benefit the citizens of deprived areas.