Clash between UDH minister and JDA over 2 inspectors, know the whole matter

Jaipur : Inspectors Sapna Poonia and Banwari Meena, who were removed from the JDA enforcement branch in the capital Jaipur a month ago, have been ordered to be put back in JDA by UDH Minister Jhabar Singh Kharra. However JDA is not ready for this. On the orders of the Minister, JDA made it clear that both the Inspectors have been relieved, now only the parent department (Police Headquarters) can issue orders regarding them. It happened that after the ACB action in Jaipur Development Authority, many changes were made in August. Many officers who were on deputation were relieved and the zones of many were changed. In this series, on August 26, police inspectors Sapna and Banwari Meena working in the enforcement branch were relieved and sent to the parent department. There were also reports of complaints being received against both of them. Banwari joined the police headquarters, but Sapna did not join there.

Meanwhile, Urban Development Minister Jhabar Singh Kharra asked to cancel the relief order issued by the JDA Secretary on September 20. In the letter written to JDA, it was said that the order of August 26 should be canceled and informed immediately. According to sources, JDA did not accept it, citing the rules as a hindrance. JDA informed that both the inspectors were on deputation. He has been relieved. Now only their parent department can take any decision on this.

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