Banswara : MLA Arjun Singh Bamnia inaugurated the additional class room built at a cost of Rs 12 lakh in Raumavi, Gram Panchayat Panchayat Nadia of Chhoti Sarwan Panchayat Samiti. Also laid the foundation stone of the hall to be built here at a cost of Rs 20 lakh. MLA Bamnia asked the children to keep pace with the new technology.
Senior advocate Keshavchandra Ninama gave information about the works sanctioned in Nadia under the MLA head. Students gave literary cultural presentations. Chhoti Sarwan Deputy Head Manohar Khadiya, Panchayat member Pramod Dindor also addressed.
Sarpanch Ankit Ninama requested the MLA to give them an air trip to boost the morale of the players of the team that got first place in the district level hockey tournament. On which the MLA announced to arrange air travel for hockey players and physical teacher Gopal from Udaipur to Jaipur next month. It was conducted by Principal Rajesh Singh Chauhan. Mithalal expressed his gratitude.