Current ran in the toilet, two brothers died a painful death, chaos ensued

Jhalawar : Two real brothers died in Jhalawar district of Rajasthan. The incident happened with the two young sons of Kailash Mali who lives in Chowkdi Darwaza area located in Dag area. This morning Kailash’s younger son Nirmal went to the field for toilet. He got electrocuted. He died in a moment. Elder brother Sonu went in search of him. When he saw his brother lying down, he tried to lift him. But he also got electrocuted. Sonu screamed loudly. Father reached the field. Seeing his sons in unconscious state, he tried to wake them up. He also got a strong shock. After getting electrocuted, there was a power cut and he fell away. Hands and face got burnt. He has been admitted to the hospital. After this incident, there has been an uproar in the entire village. There is chaos in the house due to the death of young sons.

The family was busy preparing for the son’s wedding

Police said- “Younger son Nirmal had completed his studies and was looking for a job. He was 28 years old. He used to run a flower-garland cart. Elder son Sonu was engaged in a nearby village. Preparations for the marriage were going on in the family. He himself did not do any work. He used to help his younger brother in his work.

Keep these things in mind when you get an electric shock

Getting hit by an electric current can cause burning sensation in any part of the body. Sometimes electric shock can even prove fatal.

What precautions should be taken in case of electric shock

If the injured person is still in contact with the current, avoid touching him.
If there is current from high-voltage wire or electricity, immediately call the local emergency number.
Do not go near high-voltage wires until the power is cut off.
Overhead power lines are usually not insulated, so stay at least 50 feet (15 meters) away.

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