Dangerous species of snakes are found in this district of Rajasthan, people are being bitten, creating an atmosphere of fear

Banswara : Banswara. Even though only four species of poisonous snakes are found in Banswara, their fear is not less here. In the last 19 months, snakes of Banswara have bitten 206 people. That is, on an average, a snake bites someone here every two and a half days. Despite these unusual figures of snakebite in the district, the victims and their families are not hesitating to visit the Bhopas before the hospital for treatment. Due to this, the snakebite has to become the cause of death due to not getting timely treatment. Due to lack of awareness, this situation is not only in Banswara, but in Dungarpur too, snakebite victims are losing their lives due to going to Bhopas. The severity of snakebite can also be gauged from the fact that in the last 15 months, 3430 anti-snake venoms were supplied to the government hospitals of the district. So that the victims of snakebite can get treatment.

In 22 days, 24 people were bitten, one died

In these 22 days of July, 23 people have been bitten by snakes. At the same time, one more death is also being reported. Most of these victims are from rural areas.

Two cases of Vagad teach us a lesson

In Munged Bakraiya village of Sabla police station area, a woman was bitten by a snake while working in the fields. Instead of taking the woman to the hospital, the family first took her to the exorcist. After this, when her condition worsened, the woman was taken to the hospital. Due to delay in treatment, the woman died.

Case -02

In a village of Saredi Badi area, after a child was bitten by a snake, the family took him to a bhopa instead of taking him to the hospital. After which the child died. If the family had taken the child to the hospital on time, perhaps the child’s life could have been saved.
These are poisonous species in Banswara


Common Carat
Russell Viper
Shaw Scaled Viper
Fact File
26 species of snakes are found in the state
22 species are non-venomous
04 species contain poison
13 non-poisonous species are found in Banswara

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