Bharatpur News Desk: A dead body of a person was found lying in pieces on the railway track in Uchain police station area of Bharatpur. The deceased’s maternal uncle’s son had reported him missing to the Bharatpur Railway Police on Monday night. Today, when the body was found on the railway track, the railway police informed the brother of the deceased and got the body identified. At present, the body parts have been kept in the mortuary of Uchain Hospital. Deceased’s brother Pritam told – he was going from Surat to Delhi by Haridwar Express train last night (Monday) with his maternal uncle’s son Rajkumar (44). During this time he suddenly went missing from the train. Pritam lodged a missing complaint of Rajkumar with Bharatpur Railway Police and he went to Delhi.
Today the Railway Police received information that a dead body of a person was found lying in several pieces on the railway track. After which Pritam reached Uchhain. When he saw the body, it was the dead body of the prince. Pritam told that Rajkumar was a resident of Bakhar Tehsil Dharamshala District Rajouri Jammu. He was retired from the army as constable. Now he was working in a security company in Surat. Yesterday he left for Jammu from Surat. Therefore, he was going to go first to Delhi and then from there to Jammu. Uchhain police station officer says that we received information from the Railway Police that a dead body of a person was lying in pieces between Jaichauli and Pingaura railway stations. The dead body was seen by Railway Jamadar Dharamveer during patrolling. At present the body has been identified and has been kept in the mortuary. Post mortem of the dead body will be done after the arrival of the family members.