Dengue terror increases in Rajasthan, more than 700 cases, can be fatal

Jaipur : While farmers are happy with the heavy monsoon rains in Rajasthan this year, monsoon rains have been so much this time that the record of 49 years has been broken. Monsoon rains have also increased problems in many districts of Rajasthan. Because the rain has caused a lot of damage to roads, railways and buildings. At the same time, monsoon is now in its last phase. Now we are going to get relief from rain, but now people have to deal with rain-related diseases in the entire state. Due to rain, there is a high risk of dengue, which has started growing very fast in the state. After the rain, the risk of dengue is increasing rapidly in Rajasthan. Rainwater is accumulated in pits and ponds. While dirty water has accumulated in the roads and drains in the city. In such a situation, dengue mosquitoes breed in these rainwater accumulations.

700 cases have been reported in the state in 15 days

Dengue is spreading rapidly in Rajasthan, this is evident from the fact that 2313 cases of dengue have been reported in the state. Not only this, more than 700 cases have been reported here in the last 15 days. While the highest number of dengue cases are seen in Jaipur and Udaipur. However, after the increase in dengue cases, beds have been reserved for dengue patients in the general ward and ICU of SMS Hospital.

When does dengue become fatal?

SMS College professor and seasonal disease specialist Dr Sanjay Mahawar says that seasonal diseases are more prevalent at this time. Only those cases are found which are fit for admission in SMS. However, dengue is a disease that can be cured with normal medicines. Unless the person has any pre-existing disease and is not taking any medicine, it can be treated with normal medicines. 1% of patients with dengue fever and 1 to 10% of patients with dengue shock syndrome have serious problems. These include problems like hemorrhage and blood deficiency. The thing to be kept in mind is that medicines like Combiflam, Aspirin, Brufen are anti-platelet medicines. Taking them reduces platelets. Platelets are already low in dengue, these medicines also reduce platelets.

The challenge for the blood bank has increased, only 1000 units are available

Patients often have to struggle with platelet deficiency in cases of seasonal diseases, especially dengue. Amidst the increasing cases of seasonal diseases, the shortage of blood in the capital’s blood banks is also a big challenge. The blood bank associated with SMS Hospital should have 1500 units of blood but currently only 1000 units are available. In view of the potential danger, Bhim Singh Meena, head of the IHTM department of SMS College, has appealed to social organizations and common people to donate blood.

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