Deputation in education department cancelled, uproar ensued, hundreds of teachers involved

Bikaner : Education Department has issued an order to cancel the deputation of teachers. Those who have been on deputation for less than 29 days will have to come to their original place. This order provides relief to those teachers whose deputation has been done by the Minister, Education Secretary and Education Director. Teachers working in remote schools make arrangements and attend school-office in the city or near the city. Now the department has issued an order and cancelled the deputation. On the other hand, deputations done with approval at three big levels will not be cancelled. That is, teachers who are on deputation after approval at the level of Minister, Education Secretary and Education Director will not be removed. After this order, a large number of teachers will be removed from deputation but this system will not be affected much. Actually, deputation is happening only after the approval of the Minister, Education Secretary and Education Director. If the District Education Officer does some deputation at his own level, then it will be cancelled.

This time the deputations have reduced

There have not been many deputations after the BJP government came to power. Currently, only more than 200 teachers are on deputation across the state. During the Congress rule, this number was over a thousand. Thousands of teachers across the state have been posted in cities or schools near the city instead of their original schools. Even teachers who have gone to rural service from aided schools are coming on deputation to cities. These orders are being made at the level of the Education Secretary. The Education Secretary is giving orders only after the approval of the Education Minister. Not only this, the Director of Secondary Education is also waiting for the Education Minister’s nod.

Deputation in directorate itself

Not only in the districts of the state but also in the Directorate of Education and Education Complex, a large number of teachers are on deputation. These teachers are being made to do clerical work. Employee organizations have come forward many times on the issue of not sending these teachers back to school but they were not removed. Now once again teachers’ deputations are being cancelled but influential teachers are not going to be affected.

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