Despite the new law, cases will be registered in Rajasthan under the old sections only, know the reason

Jaipur : the law made during the British era will change from July 1, i.e. today. But if any incident or crime occurs before July 1, then it will still be registered under the old law. Currently, from July 1, cases will be registered in police stations under both new and old laws. From July 1, action will be taken under the Indian Justice Code (BNS) instead of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), the Indian Civil Security Code (BNSS) instead of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) and the Indian Evidence Act (BSA) instead of the Indian Evidence Act (IEA). Crimes occurring from July 1 will be registered under the new law. The National Crime Records Bureau has made 23 amendments in the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and System application for other facilities including registration of FIR. Discussed with some IPS officers regarding the confusion of old and new law.

The effect of the old law will gradually diminish

Question. How can we register e-FIR now and will it be effective?
Police: Recently the police force has been told that if any information is received at the police station through e-mail, Whatsapp or other electronic means and it is serious, then the police itself should contact the informant and take further action. If the matter is normal, then the informant will have to appear at the police station within three days and sign.

Question: Now whatever cases come to the police, will they be registered under the new law?
Police: This is not so. If an incident happened in June and comes to light in July, then the case will be registered under the old law. The time of the incident is from the time of the old law. In the beginning, many shortcomings will come to light, which will be gradually removed and in the next four-five years, the effect of the old law will reduce.

Question: Now e-challan and e-FR can be presented in the court?
Police: No, there is no order to send e-challan and e-FR in the new law, it is clearly written that e-challan and e-FR can be sent and Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and System (CCTNS) is not fully connected in the court process. After the full connection of CCTNS, e-challan and e-FR can also be sent.

Question: Will the new law now be taught in police training institutes?
Police: Yes, the new law will be taught, but the teaching of the old law cannot be stopped at once. Therefore, training will be given under both the old and new laws.
‘Cases will be registered under the new law from July 1, but if cases before July are registered, then cases can be registered under the old law. Training institutes will now teach under the old and the new law. Many shortcomings will come up in the initial implementation of the new law, they will be removed.’

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