Dungarpur : An interesting and unique incident has come to light in Sagwara police station of Dungarpur district of Rajasthan, in which stolen donkeys were brought back by their owners after recognizing them by voice. Police arrested a person for stealing donkeys and also recovered 9 stolen donkeys. This incident became a shocking experience for the police and the villagers. The thief was arrested 2 days ago and after completing the legal process, the donkeys have been handed over to their owner today. Two others are currently being searched.
Theft of donkeys revealed in police raid
In fact, on November 18, a person named Malaram had lodged a complaint at Sagwada police station that his donkeys had been stolen. According to Malaram, he had taken the donkeys to graze along with the sheep in Gowadi village, but on November 17, the donkeys got separated on the way and did not return till late evening. The owner told that some people passing on the way had told that near Bhimdadi village some people were carrying donkeys in a pickup. Realizing the seriousness of the matter, the police started investigation and arrested the thief. After investigation, it was found that some nomads in Chittorgarh district near Dungarpur are involved in buying and selling donkeys. Police raided there.
It was difficult to identify
Now the problem before the police was that there were more than 50 donkeys there and almost all of them were alike. It was difficult to identify these stolen donkeys. In such a situation, the owner of the donkeys identified his donkeys using an old technique and the case was solved within minutes.
The owner adopted this trick to identify his donkeys
Interestingly, when the herd of more than 50 donkeys came to the police, the owner called each of his donkeys by name. Malaram called names like Bhuriya, Kalu, Sonu and the shocking thing was that 9 donkeys immediately ran to their owner.
Police searching for two other accused
The police arrested the accused in this case and during interrogation, they got information that he had loaded the donkeys in a pickup and left them near Salumber. Police recovered the donkeys from Kapasan area of Chittorgarh and collected information related to the accused. Two other accused are absconding in the case and are being searched.
Donkeys are being sent to China through secret routes through Pakistan
It is noteworthy that recently a big information was revealed in the only donkey fair of the state to be held in the capital Jaipur. It was revealed that donkeys from Rajasthan are sent to China through Pakistan through a secret route. There cosmetic items are made from donkeys.