Dotasara started a marathon for Rajasthan Assembly By-election, will hand over responsibility to active workers

Jaipur : Congress Committee President Govind Singh Dotasara held a meeting of Congress’s division in-charge vice president, district in-charge general secretary and district Congress presidents. In this meeting held in the war room, Congress leaders were interacted with about strengthening the organization. The PCC chief took feedback on the organization activities and gave instructions for the upcoming programs. Govind Singh Dotasara said in the meeting that all the district Congress committees are important units of the Congress party. The division district in-charge officer plays an important role as a bridge between the state Congress and district Congress committees. He said that for strengthening the organization in the state, all the units will have to actively participate among the public.

He said that it is the responsibility of the District Congress Committees to motivate the Block Congress Committees and Mandal Congress Committees of their respective jurisdiction to increase their activism. The responsibility of monitoring the activities and activism of the District Congress Committees lies with the officers in charge. He said that it is the responsibility of the District Congress Committee to invite all the important Congress leaders, public representatives, former office bearers, former public representatives of the district to the meetings. After getting suggestions from all, run social activities regularly in the district.

Active workers will get responsibility

Govind Singh Dotasara has directed all the District Congress Committees to discuss with the District In-charges to give place to the active Congress workers of the district who are not currently office bearers in the Block, Mandal and District Executives and submit the list to the State Congress Committee for approval. He said that to give place to the active workers at the Block and Mandal level in the extended executive, the District President should discuss with the in-charge officials and approve the extended executive of the Block and Mandal. He directed the District Presidents to submit the list of names to the District In-charge Officer for including the active workers at the district level in the extended executive. The in-charge officer will discuss these names with all the senior leaders of the district and submit the list to the State Congress Committee. The State Congress Committee will take a decision on such a list and permission will be granted to expand the executive of the District Congress Committee.

It is necessary to hold meetings at every level

Dotasara directed the district presidents present that apart from the programs of All India Congress Committee and State Congress Committee, the meeting of District Congress Committee should be held every three months. Information regarding the presence of District Congress Committee officials in the meeting should be sent to the State Congress Committee through the in-charge officials. Dotasara said that it is necessary to organize a meeting of Block Congress Committees every two months. Similarly, it is necessary for all Mandal Congress Committees to organize a meeting once a month. He said that it is the responsibility of the District Congress President to organize the meeting of Block and Mandal Congress Committees regularly. Dotasara directed the district presidents that if the District Congress Committee deems it appropriate, then give the responsibility to the District Officer as in-charge for the Block Congress Committees. He has issued instructions to all the district presidents to form booth committees of all the assembly constituencies of the district and appoint BLAs and get the list approved from the in-charge officer and present it before the District Magistrate and get the appointment done. Dotasara said that an extended meeting of the State Congress Committee will be held every 6 months. In which, a meeting of the district presidents with the state officials in charge will be held to take feedback on the activities as well as discuss the upcoming programs.

Dotasara has directed all Congress officials to go to their respective areas of influence to campaign for the party in the upcoming by-elections in 6 assembly constituencies in the state. Dotasara said that it is necessary to prepare a strategy from now to make the Congress party victorious in all the upcoming Panchayat Raj and Municipal Corporation elections in the state. He has directed all the District Congress Committees to prepare the outline of the election campaign in collaboration with the State In-charge Officer in the upcoming Panchayat Raj and Municipal Corporation elections.

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