Due to this anti-China plan, work in 400 small factories in Rajasthan has stopped, know the matter

Jodhpur : The reason for the new crisis on the export industry is also the move of China. Due to this, 400 units of the export sector in Jodhpur alone are out of work. The reason for this is holding orders from abroad. Big exporters who used to give work to small manufacturers have stopped working. Many factories have also been closed. Bharat Dinesh, President of Jodhpur Handicraft Exporters Association, says that China has the third largest shipping company in the world. In response to the increased freight rates from China, many shipping carriers are now transshipping cargo at Indian ports. This leads to unloading of cargo containers first at Indian ports and then reloading them on other ships for final destinations in Europe and America. This has led to a shortage of space for containers of goods originating from India. This situation has put Indian exporters at a loss.

Fear of shortage of containers

Exporter Rohit Joshi says that many small manufacturers were given work by big exporters. Now due to not getting new orders, the work has been affected a lot. Many small entrepreneurs who used to work by taking loans are not able to pay even the installments. Leather exporter Prakash Sankhla says that small entrepreneurs are very much affected by keeping the orders on hold. The season in the handicraft sector reaches its peak after October, but there is a fear of shortage of containers.

Shipping Corporation’s focus is on oil

Shipping Corporation of India, whose main focus in the export sector is on the oil industry. Senior handicraft exporter Radheshyam Ranga says that the situation has worsened in the last two months. The Indian government should work on the Red Sea area by creating international pressure, which will benefit the export sector of the whole of Asia.

China increased freight rates

Being the third largest shipping company, China has increased freight charges. Unloading goods in China is now more expensive. Due to this, transshipment has increased and companies of neighboring countries have also started unloading goods at Indian ports. This is leading to a shortage of containers for Indian goods.

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