Dungarpur : Banswara-Dungarpur MP’s car met with an accident on Sunday. The MP and his staff narrowly escaped the accident. The accident happened at around 2 pm in Kunda village in Ratlam district of Madhya Pradesh. A crowd gathered on the spot. At the same time, official information could not be received as to how his car met with an accident. MP Roat was going to Ratlam district of Madhya Pradesh with his staff. At around 2 pm on Sunday afternoon, Rot’s car side-stepped another vehicle in Kunda village, about 10 km from the Rajasthan border. Meanwhile the car started going down the road. In such a situation, the driver showed wisdom and allowed the car to go straight down. The driver felt that the car might overturn. So he drove the car down into the ditch. It was fortunate that no one was hurt and the car did not overturn. The MP left the car on the spot and left for Ratlam. From the spot, some youth uploaded the video of the car and MP Rot on the social site, which went viral within some time. After this, information about the accident came to the Banswara police and administration.
SP talked to Ratlam SP: Banswara SP Harshvardhan Aggarwala became active and talked to Ratlam SP. Also asked to send staff to the spot. After this Aggarwala told that the car had met with an accident. Information has been received whether the MP was in the car or not. There is no information about this. Senior BAP leader and Bagidaura MLA Jaikrishna Patel said that the accident of the MP’s car took place in Ratlam around 2 pm. The MP was going to Ratlam with his staff when this accident happened on the way. The MP and his staff are completely safe.