Ajmer : Ajmer’s Adarsh Nagar police station has arrested the electrician who committed theft in the hotel. The accused stole an LED TV while working in a hotel and ran away. The police have sent the accused to jail in judicial custody after interrogation. Adarsh Nagar police station in-charge Dinesh Kumawat said that on October 26, 2024, a case was filed at the police station by Gulabchand Saini, manager of Sendriya Bypass Hotel Royal Paradise. The victim manager lodged a complaint and said that lighting work was going on at his place. A 52 inch LED was stolen from the hotel room.
The victim told that the employee had committed theft many times before. After registering a case in the case, a team was formed and instructions were given to take action. Police station in-charge Kumawat said that while checking the CCTV, the team arrested the accused Saddam (25), son of Ajmal, resident of Nasirabad, on the information of the informer. When interrogated, he confessed to the theft. The accused is an electrician. Who had stolen a 52 inch LED TV while working in a hotel. Due to which the stolen LED has been recovered.