Electricity consumers of Rajasthan will now have to pay 2 to 3 thousand, know why?

Jaipur : 20 to 30 percent of electricity consumers in Jaipur city have installed 6 to 8 kilowatt solar power plants on the roof of their houses to get relief from the huge electricity bills. In May-June, the plant produced a lot of electricity. The bill came zero even after using all the electrical appliances in the house. But now for the last two months the sun is hidden behind the clouds and only nominal electricity is being produced from these plants installed in the houses. Consumers are now having to pay 2 to 3 thousand rupees as electricity bill.

A 1 kilowatt plant produces 4 units of electricity

According to power engineers, in case of clear skies, a 1 kilowatt plant produces 4 units of electricity. But it has been raining for the last two months and the sky remains cloudy. In such a situation, instead of 4, less than 2 units of electricity are being produced. In such a situation, the export of electricity from the plant is less and the import is more.

The difference between import and export

Less electricity is being produced and the electrical appliances in homes are running according to the heat. In such a situation, where the electricity bill was coming to zero in May-June, now after multiplying the export and import in the bills, the consumer has to pay 2 to 3 thousand rupees.

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