Bikaner : Bikaner 400 patients were examined on Friday at the Karni Mata Katha site organized at Rathi Plot located in Bagri Shiv Temple of Nokha. Storyteller Mahant Dr. Karni Pratap’s team, under the aegis of Shatakshi Eye Hospital, Jaipur, conducted free eye examination and consultation of 400 patients through the latest technology using the LAS machine.
Vasudev Ashiya and Devendra Ashiya of the organizing committee said that on the repetition of the story on Saturday, spectacles will also be distributed free of cost to the patients. Apart from this, if required, eye operation will also be done free of cost at Shatakshi Eye Hospital in Jaipur. During this time, workers like Liladhar Rathi, Dilip Inani, Raju Nai etc. cooperated in the arrangements. Let it be known that till now thousands of free eye medicines and spectacles have been distributed by Maa Foundation through Katha.