Family court’s decision, if a wife divorces her husband because of her lover then she is not entitled to maintenance

Jaipur : Jaipur’s Family Court rejected the petition filed for maintenance from the husband. The wife had a love affair with a young man before and after marriage. For this reason the court rejected the petition. Judge Virendra Kumar Jasuja gave the verdict. The judge said that in this case the husband was successful in proving that his wife had a love affair with another young man. For this reason he was divorced on 16 August 2019.

Demanded 40 lakh rupees and 30 tola gold maintenance
The court said that when a wife has an illicit relationship with another man after marriage, then the wife is not entitled to permanent maintenance. The woman appealed to the court and demanded Rs 40 lakh and 30 tola gold from her husband. The court rejected the petition.

Husband does government job
Lawyer DS Shekhawat told the media that the woman had filed a petition. Her husband is an employee in the telecom department, so she should be given permanent maintenance. In response, the husband said that his wife had a love affair with a young man from the neighborhood even before marriage. The relationship continued even after marriage. The court termed it as mental cruelty and issued a divorce order in 2019.

The court dismissed the woman’s appeal
The husband said that he is a clerk. He has the responsibility of his deceased wife’s son and ailing mother. He himself is also ill. In such a situation, he is not able to provide permanent maintenance. The court rejected the woman’s appeal.

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