From now on if you beg or make someone beg, you will be jailed for 10 years

Jaipur : Independent MLA Chandrabhan Singh raised the issue of begging in the Rajasthan Assembly. Chandrabhan Singh said that begging is happening even on the road from where the minister comes. Minister Avinash Gehlot responded. He said that the government is serious about this matter. He said that rehabilitation centers have also been opened to stop begging.

Avinash Gehlot said- the government will take appropriate steps

Avinash Gehlot said that begging is rampant in our region. Rajasthan is tainted by it. The government will take appropriate steps to stop it. A public awareness campaign will be run to stop begging. Assembly Speaker Vasudev Devnani said that sometimes some people make people beg, there are many contractors involved in this too. Minister Avinash Gehlot said that there is a provision of 10 years of punishment in this, strict action will be taken on your instructions.

Rehabilitation centers have been opened for beggars

Avinash Gehlot said that begging takes place in all public places. Begging takes place at railway stations, gurudwaras, temples and bus stands. Rehabilitation centres have been opened for them. Home department, social justice department and women development department are working together in this. Action is taken against those below 18 years of age under JJ Act. As soon as they turn 18, they are sent for rehabilitation.

Smile scheme is being run by the central government

He said that the Smile scheme is being run by the central government. Begging is also done by fake eunuchs. Three places have been identified. City Palace Jaipur, Udaipur and Jaisalmer have been identified, where begging is done.

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