From now on, you will have to pay a fee for pulling private cables on electricity poles, read this news

Jaipur : you will have to pay for pulling private cables on electricity poles. News related to the tariff order of Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission is coming. In the order, the commission also took cognizance of the cables of telecom companies lying on electricity poles. Rajasthan Discom was asked to reply on the data presented by power expert DP Chiraniya. Ordered to submit a reply on the discrepancy in the recovery data within a month. Along with this, a committee was formed to conduct a detailed investigation of the data of Jaipur city. The committee includes retired technocrats DP Chiraniya, Arjun Singh and DD Agarwal.

Chiraniya has been raising the issue of recovery on private cables present on electricity poles for a long time. The claim is that through this recovery, the discom can earn crores of rupees. By adding this income to the tariff, relief can be given to electricity consumers.

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