Good news for air passengers, Rajasthan’s largest airport will be built here

Kota : The Green Field Airport to be built in Kota, Rajasthan will be the largest airport in the state and will be equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. Large passenger aircraft will be able to land easily here even in bad weather, storms and dark nights. The work of preparing DPR of this airport to be built on 440.646 hectares is going on war footing. To prepare the airport plan as soon as possible, the government has assigned the work to three consultants. In this, a consultant from Delhi is preparing DPR for the air side, another consultant from Delhi is preparing the DPR for the buildings to be constructed at the airport and a consultant from Chennai is preparing the DPR for the environmental work of the airport.

Will be equipped with ILS technology

ILS (Instrumental Landing System) will be installed at Kota airport. In this, Katevan class lights will be installed on the runway. Besides this, modern machines will also be installed. With this, big passenger aircraft will be able to land easily at the airport even in bad weather, storms and dark nights. For better landing of the aircraft, high frequency equipment will be installed under Doppler Very High Frequency Omni Range Radio Navigation System (DVOR).

Seven big planes can be parked

A huge apron will be built at the new airport of Kota. Seven big aircraft can be parked simultaneously in this apron.

DPR preparation work soon

Kota airport will be the largest in Rajasthan. With the state-of-the-art equipment installed here, big passenger planes will be able to land even during storms and at night. To ensure that the airport work starts as soon as possible, three consultants each are preparing separate DPRs. The work of preparing DPR will be completed soon.

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